How long is ten years? Mine has been a forever. Fell in love to start with, And had my heart broken to end everything. Wrote poems of love once, now I write of pain and suffering. I nurtured the idea of together forever. Now when there's no together, It's an end to that forever. They said the world would end in 2012. I wish it did and my forever couldn't even start. Because now my world has ended in 2022 while everything else still continues. This world has not taken notice of mine that I had built for myself, of love and dreams and all things nice. Nothing changes on the outside as I have collapsed on the inside. The sun and the moon still the same, the rains and the floods, still consistent. Only I am no more myself. They say time heals everything. I ask how much time? Another forever maybe?
So so touching
May the heavens ease your grief and bring you peace and warmth in your heart and soul.💫🙏