We often wake up to our own repression.
The ways we have been silenced for long.
To all the many tales we unfailingly carry about an self enquiry that why our words are less valued than those who benefits most from the old ones.
We wake up the penultimate truth that our vantage of ourselves wasn't only constructed by us but it was devised in a purpose.
The purpose to keep us small and wordless.
We wake up to our own anger,
To the fierce obdurate to not to obey,
Not to pay a heed ear to the tales, nor to settle with being small.
But then, one day..
After we have learned to speak,
We wake up to the fact that our frustration
taught us to adapt rather than to rise above all pauses.
We shape-shift to be more like them,
To work in their hallway of power
To survive in a world that didn't wanted our voice to be heard.
Then our anger comes again,
And we have a new determination.
This time, we speak with our true voice
Not concerned to it is heard or not by others.
We begin to live in the centre of our purpose
Whether or not it is acceptable to them.
We imperil our dismissal and disain
As we no longer want to go back to sleep.
We begin to wake up to other people's narrative
Their silences and repression,
We begin to see that those skins are
Different from us!
Whose meaning of love is
Different from us!
And their waking up is asking us to be uncomfortable.
Asking us to look more unblinkingly at our own life.
Then we begin to wake up to our own privilege,
To the ways that we have benifitted from their repressions.
We begin to wake up to the pain in them,
And hear the cries of the silenced which screams,
"We want to be heard too!"
This waking up could be the hardest,
We want to ignore it,
To resist it, and to fanatically subdue to the truths it holds.
We want to return,
To our own uprising,
To our own narrative,
To our own voice,
As in that we feel more liberated and victorious.
We witness glory in our own eyes.
In that, we dont have to face the truth that maybe
Maybe.. We are holding onto the keys of someone else's chain.
And so it is our time
to wake up...
To face the hard truths and to feel what hurts,
When our aggressions and fragility are inflamed.
We do the hard work to peer with unwavering eyes on ourselves.
And to glimpse both light and darkness and the space between them.
When we are awake,
We begin to see it all
and everything.
It is a moment when we are aware of our place in the world,
which is no longer endangered to stand by those who are also trying to wake up.
Our anger rages anew,
Our fierce determination rises up once again.
And this time our love is big enough,
Our compassion is big enough,
To hold their afflictions along with our own.
This time, our voice is stronger enough,
Bolder enough,
to speak their truths along with our own.
This time, our courage is spirited enough,
To let them speak the truth that is
Different from us!
We are empathetic enough,
to understand the spectrum of each person,
Each emotion,
Each calls and conditions,
and to learn accept it more gracefully in our hearts.
Along with the embracing of the differences that binds us altogether at the end.
Beautiful piece of work @Arunabh Hazarika