Wikipedia defines ‘Intelligence’ as the capacity for logic, understanding, self-awareness, learning, emotional knowledge, reasoning, planning, creativity, critical thinking, and problem solving. And more generally, it can be described as the ability to perceive or infer information, and to retain it as knowledge to be applied towards adaptive behaviors within an environment or context.
And creating it artificially means giving all these qualities to someone with very high efficiency. We as human beings have attained these qualities through evolution of thousands and millions of years.
And whereas we seem to be very much conservative with all the materials we have, we don’t seem to be that much conservative with our intelligence and we are very much willing to share it with others. Earlier this sharing used to be with the younger ones of our community. But since last few decades, we seem to be much more open or much more willing to break the barriers of our community. In this era of technology, we are much more willing to share our intelligence with creatures that did not evolve naturally. These creatures are products of our intelligence only, whom we see as a future dream coming true.
But, when you share your secret with your friends, you always have the fear of getting that secret disclosed. And you don’t seem to be very comfortable if everybody comes to know your secret. The same goes with AI. We have been dreaming about AI powered robots and other items since our childhood. We were in love with the character of Arnold in the movie ‘Terminator’. We have always thought of something like this character whenever we think of AI. But possibility are there for the ‘Skynet’ to be the winner. What if ‘Machines’ take over ‘human beings’ one day.

I am not declaring ‘Skynet’ as the clear winner, at least at this moment. But we can not guarantee that the ‘Terminator’ scenario will not take place in near future. Can we?
We need technology and we need advancements. But are we really ready to adapt AI? Aren’t we trying to lighten up the black shadow of AI?
Are we prepared?