Should the way I express my feelings to my friends be a factor in determining my background? I would say not really.
Sometimes you meet certain people and at first you doubt the potentials of your friendship but then they go on to become the peas you can’t let go of.
I’ve learned that feelings are expressed in exchange of gifts and pleasantries and hugs and sweet compliments you know. But I’ve also learned that feelings can be expressed in the awkward most irritating way and until this day I can’t tell if it’s a good thing or a bad thing.
I find it disturbing when my friends send me messages that contain high emotional stuff.
When my friend types ‘guyyy’ this is more like what I’d recognise coming from her compared to when I see ‘Comfort how are you doing today?’
Trust me,we have questioned our behaviour severally but it’s funny how we all understand it this way.
Would I respond to romantic texts from my friends? Of course but I’d go on to ask ‘are you dying?’
This is weird everyone would say but this is the way we have settled to expressing emotions for one another. One would say it has everything to do with how we were shown love growing up but I strongly doubt it. I just think we found what worked for us and maintained it.
It’s only disadvantage would be trying to make friends and eventually making friends with people who find high emotional actions as their own way of keeping up.