I have thought about you since day one,
The way we talked and connect was fun.
When you laughed, I would treasure the times,
Like the graceful sounds of wind chimes.
Sitting, walking, talking, or texting,
To be around you I would do anything.
Sharing things even my diary didn’t know,
Thoughts of Happiness, anger, even sorrow.
As time went on our friendship progressed,
Yet looking at you made me feel stressed.
Sitting, walking, talking or texting,
When I was around you, I wished you were missing.
Because unlike the sound of wind chimes, My heart would pound a beat I couldn’t define.
Why did I feel this way, was I angry or sad?
But to be around you no more made me feel very glad.
All this made me question our friendship,
Thought maybe I could save it, but it slipped through my fingertips.
I can no longer bare us together in one room,
For it was me who ruined our connection with the love, I have for you.